
Finding my feet

I refuse to title this post “Hello, World!” Besides being not very funny at this point, I feel like “Hello, World!” when learning something new in the world of programming is a bit of a death knell. Or maybe I’m the only developer in the world who has folders littered with the corpses of “hello world” projects in many different languages and frameworks? It’s possible.

Instead: I want to think of this early stage of learning game development as finding my feet. On this blog, I want to document the process of building new mental models different from the software development that I’m more used to, and understanding what skills I need to build the things I want to build.

I don’t want to commit to a publishing schedule or anything of the sort: I don’t want to mess up my own incentives. I want my learning to be driven by curiosity and experimentation, with some downtime to reflect on the learning experience on this blog, rather than feeling obliged or pressured to produce “content” on a schedule.

All the same, stick around. Let’s see what I end up writing here.